5 Principles In 3 Postures #7

Discussion - Intention

Each posture in Tai Chi has martial applications. The paradox here is that violent, aggressive, angry or fearful intention constrict and hinder your movement. If you treat Tai Chi as some sort of shadow boxing you mis out on it's true potential. Your intension should be relaxed and open. From a Western neurobiological perspective traditional Tai Chi teaching appears to support the function of the vagus nerves. This calms us giving clarity of thought and moments of insight. The opposite of tension in fight, flight and freeze. However, this is not some limp vague form of intention. You are already stable, to this be focused on each postures intention but with compassion for yourself and your action. When pressing the sparrows tail you will not let the sparrow fly away but neither will you cause it unnecessary harm. In Aikido Paul Linden talks about power and love, here I am suggesting something very similar, stability and compassion. Remain open and relaxed.


5 Principles In 3 Postures #8

